
Pen-Y-Bryn Primary School

Where children come first

Online learning platform help (Seesaw, Hwb, Bug Club, Spelling Shed, Maths Shed etc)


Seesaw is our main platform for communication and the sharing of pupils' work. 

Every family will have received the school code to set up the family app. Announcements are shared on this app. 

Also, every child has been provided with a code to join the class app. This is where they can be allocated work, complete and share with the teacher. 

Please find helpful videos and links to help you use 'Seesaw'. 


Hwb is the all Wales learning platform. Every child is Wales has their own unique user and password. All children have been provided with these. If you need these again just ask your class teacher or contact the school directly. 

Hwb has a fantastic range of resources that can assist learning especially the freee use of Microsoft office tools and apps. These can be used online or downloaded for free to your home laptop. This will save you a considerable amount of money rather than buying it from a store or online. 

Year 5 and 6 children will be using Hwb to access Microsoft TEAMs as the main platform for their learning. They will have been taught how to access this resource. There are a range of videos below that show the full capacity of the platform. 

Bug Club 

Bug Club is our online reading service. During lockdown the most important thing you can do linked to learning is to listen to your child read. Bug club provides children with books to read at the appropriate level. Once the children finish the books the teacher will be notified and new books can be allocated. There are online rewards to win the more reading they do! 

Please watch the video below to show how to access bug club. 

If you do not have your child's username and password then please contact the class teacher through seesaw or contact the school directly. 


Spelling and Mathematics Shed

Children in Key Stage 2 (Junior department) will have spelling shed and maths shed accounts. This is an interactive way of learning key skills especially when it comes to learning high frequency spellings. 

Please view the videos below from Mr. Jones that explain how to use them both. If you require any log in details, once again please contact your class teacher through seesaw or the school directly. 
